Other Services

Below are examples of how to integrate services like user analytics and in-app user chat/support platforms with Exosphere.

(See Configuration Options for integrating the Sentry application performance monitoring and error tracking software.)

Matomo Analytics (formerly Piwik)

Matomo Analytics is a privacy-protecting alternative to Google Analytics with a self-hosted option for 100% data ownership.

If you wish to use Matomo Analytics with Exosphere, then:

  1. Install Matomo on-premise (or subscribe to the cloud-hosted option) and set up a site for Exosphere in Matomo
  2. Get the JavaScript tracking code for your site (Important: only the code contained inside the <script> tag)
  3. Add this JavaScript code to the bottom of your config.js file

Your config.js file should look something like this:

"use strict";

var config = {
  showDebugMsgs: false,
  /* ... other config options ... */

/* Matomo tracking code */
var _paq = (window._paq = window._paq || []);
(function () {
  var u = "//{$MATOMO_URL}/";
  _paq.push(["setTrackerUrl", u + "matomo.php"]);
  _paq.push(["setSiteId", "{$IDSITE}"]);
  var d = document,
    g = d.createElement("script"),
    s = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
  g.type = "text/javascript";
  g.async = true;
  g.src = u + "matomo.js";
  s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);

In your tracking code, {$MATOMO_URL} would be replaced by your Matomo URL and {$IDSITE} would be replaced by the id of the website you are tracking in Matomo.


The Chatwoot customer engagement platform is an open-source, self-hosted alternative to Intercom and Zendesk. It provides a low-friction way for users to open chat conversations with support staff from within a web application. When enabled a user sees a chat icon on the bottom right of the Exosphere user interface. Pressing on this icon opens the chat interface.

If you wish to use Chatwoot with Exosphere, then:

  1. Install Chatwoot on-premise (or subscribe to the cloud-hosted option)
  2. Add and configure a website channel for Exosphere in Chatwoot
  3. Copy the JavaScript code for the Chatwoot widget from the last step above, or get it from the website channel configuration page (Important: only the code contained inside the <script> tag)
  4. Add this JavaScript code to the bottom of your config.js file

Your config.js file should look something like this:

"use strict";

var config = {
  showDebugMsgs: false,
  /* ... other config options ... */

/* Chatwoot widget code */
(function(d,t) {
  var BASE_URL="https://{$CHATWOOT_URL}";
  var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
  g.defer = true;
  g.async = true;
      websiteToken: '{$CHATWOOT_WEBSITE_TOKEN}}',
      baseUrl: BASE_URL

In your widget code, {$CHATWOOT_URL} would be replaced by your Chatwoot URL and {$CHATWOOT_WEBSITE_TOKEN} would be replaced by the token of the website with which you want to integrate Chatwoot.