Configuration Options

These options are primarily intended for cloud operators who wish to offer a customized deployment of Exosphere to their user community. Set these in config.js.

Option Possible Values Description
showDebugMsgs false, true
cloudCorsProxyUrl null, string See docs/; required to use app in web browser
clouds array Imported from cloud_configs.js; see example below
palette null, JSON object Pass custom colors to style Exosphere, see example below
logo null, string Path to custom logo to show in top-left corner of app
favicon null, string Path to custom favicon
appTitle null, string Title to show throughout the app
topBarShowAppTitle true (default), false Whether to show or hide appTitle in the top navigation bar
defaultLoginView null, openstack, oidc Which login view to display by default
aboutAppMarkdown null, string (markdown) What to show in the "About the app" section of Help/About view
supportInfoMarkdown null, string (markdown) What to show when user clicks "Get support" button
userSupportEmailAddress null, string (markdown) Email address to ask users to send problem report
userSupportEmailSubject null, string Text to include in subject line of support request email
openIdConnectLoginConfig null, JSON object See docs/ for more info and example JSON
localization null, JSON object Pass custom localization strings for the UI, see example below
instanceConfigMgtRepoUrl null, string Set a custom repository to use for instance setup code
instanceConfigMgtRepoCheckout null, string Check out specific branch/tag/commit of instance setup code
sentryConfig null, JSON object Pass Sentry DSN for error logging, see example below

Example cloud configuration

The clouds flag is an array containing JSON objects for each cloud with a custom configuration.

By default, the clouds flag is imported from cloud_configs.js. As a deployer, you can add your own cloud(s) to that file, or override it entirely by defining a clouds member of the config object in config.js.

Each of these JSON objects contains the following properties:

  • keystoneHostname (string): Used to look up the custom configuration for a cloud, e.g.
  • friendlyName (string): Name of cloud to display to user
  • userAppProxy (null, array): An array of User Application proxy (UAP) information for this cloud. See docs/ for more information. This must be set for Guacamole support (in-browser shell and desktop) to work on a given cloud.
  • imageExcludeFilter (null, JSON object): A key:value property to exclude images from UI, see example below
  • featuredImageNamePrefix (null, string): A (public) image is 'featured' if the name starts with this string
  • instanceTypes (array): An array of instance types specific to this cloud, can be left empty. See docs/ for more information.
  • flavorGroups (array): An array of flavor groups specific to this cloud, can be left empty. See docs/ for more information.
  • desktopMessage (null, string): Override message to show users who select a graphical desktop environment when creating an instance. null will display a default message, while an empty string will display no message.
var cloud_configs = {
      "friendlyName":"My Example Cloud 1",
        { region: null,
          hostname: "",

      "friendlyName":"Jetstream Cloud",      
      "userAppProxy": [
        { region: null,
          hostname: "",
          "description":"Wide compatibility with community software packages, good choice for new users",
              "friendlyName":"20.04 (latest)",
          "description":"These have a graphics processing unit.",

Example Image Exclude Filter

This excludes images built by, and intended for the Atmosphere platform.

  imageExcludeFilter: {
    filterKey: "atmo_image_include",
    filterValue: "true"

Example Custom Palette

This declares a primary and secondary color in the app, for each of dark and light modes.

palette: {
  "light": {
    "primary": {
      "r": 150,
      "g": 35,
      "b": 38
    "secondary": {
      "r": 0,
      "g": 0,
      "b": 0
  "dark": {
    "primary": {
      "r": 221,
      "g": 0,
      "b": 49
    "secondary": {
      "r": 0,
      "g": 0,
      "b": 0

Example Localization JSON object

This allows a deployer to customize terms used by Exosphere for their organization or community.

localization: {
    openstackWithOwnKeystone: "cloud",
    openstackSharingKeystoneWithAnother: "region",
    unitOfTenancy: "project",
    maxResourcesPerProject: "resource limits",
    pkiPublicKeyForSsh: "SSH public key",
    virtualComputer: "instance",
    virtualComputerHardwareConfig: "size",
    cloudInitData: "boot script",
    commandDrivenTextInterface: "terminal",
    staticRepresentationOfBlockDeviceContents: "image",
    blockDevice: "volume",
    share: "share",
    accessRule: "access rule",
    exportLocation: "export location",
    nonFloatingIpAddress: "internal IP address",
    floatingIpAddress: "floating IP address",
    publiclyRoutableIpAddress: "public IP address",
    securityGroup: "security group",
    graphicalDesktopEnvironment: "graphical desktop environment",
    hostname: "hostname"

Example Sentry Configuration

Here are instructions for determining the DSN fields.


Other Services

See Other Services for how to integrate services other than Sentry.